Monday, April 15, 2013

Nails Inc Feather Collection - Cornwall - Swatches!

Hello, my poor neglected blog. I've missed you! And I have a confession, I've been naughty. Even though I've been super freaking broke lately, I strayed from the clearance bins and splurged on a new polish from the Nails Inc Feathers Collection.

As you can see up there, my choice was Cornwall, a combination of itty-bitty blue and white bar glitter in a clear base. As you can probably guess from the name, the glitter is meant to give the nails a feather-y look. I don't really know if it looks like feathers, but I definitely think it's a unique (good!) effect. 

When I was getting ready to use this polish, I couldn't decide if I wanted to use it as a full coverage glitter or if I just wanted to use it as a topper, so I kinda cheated and did both! On my ring finger, I used three coats of Cornwall to make it opaque on it's own. On every other finger, I used one coat over L'Oreal's Royalty Reinvented.

Middle Finger with one coat of Cornwall.
Ring Finger with three coats of  Cornwall.

Okay, so now I guess I should get to it and tell you what I actually thought of Cornwall. Formula wise, Cornwall was just okay. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. It was sort of thick and gloopy, which, I suppose, is to be expected from a polish packed so full of glitter. And on my ring finger, when I was adding the second and third coats, the glitter wanted to all clump up at the tip of my nail no matter how long I waited in between coats. It also suffered from the problem all bar glitters suffer from, the dreaded stick-up! But surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. There were only a few rogue pieces sticking up, nothing that couldn't be tamed. 

Now, with all that in mind, I still really liked Cornwall. I'm not usually a huge fan of bar glitter, but I thought Cornwall provided an interesting and unique effect. If it weren't for the formula issues I think I'd prefer it on it's own as a full coverage polish, but because the thickness made it so hard to work with I think I'll mostly be wearing it as a layering polish. I'm not totally in love with this polish, but I do think it's worth picking up if you're looking for something a little different. (And there are three other cute color combos to pick from.)
I picked my bottle up from Sephora for $9.50. 

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!


  1. I've just been wearing this one, and I liked it too!

    I agree that it wants to clump up - I got around that by putting a layer of topcoat between each coat of the feathers polish.

    1. Thanks, that's a great idea. Exactly the thing to do to solve the problem! :)
